A Fool's Errand demo is a basic Adventure scene in Medieval atmosphere, made in 2002 in anticipation for full game development.
Game engine: AGAST 1.08f
OS: Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10
Current version: 1.0
download the Fool's setup
The Apatic Bird Game is a Shoot 'em Up in a gloomy atmosphere. Your object is to destroy the maximum number of Apatic Birds, making this world a better one.
When uploaded to download.com in 2001, this game was downloaded about 650,000 times and was hailed by one reviewer as "possibly the most boring game ever".
Programmed by Adam Tal in Visual Basic 6
OS: Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP
Current version: 1.1
download an Apatic Bird installation egg
Solo was a series of Hebrew interactive presentations, sold with the Israeli Air Force Magazine in 1996. I made the graphics for five of those, included here.
The full series can be downloaded at the Wayback Machine's archived copy of The IAF Website.
OS: Windows 3.x, 95, 98, ME
Asymetrix Multimedia ToolBook (required) (1247KB)
F-117 Nighthawk
Aircraft Carrier
Rescue And Evacuation Unit
IAF Flight Academy
1987 Nostalgic Collection contains four of the games I made at the age of thirteen, using BASIC on a PC-XT.
The graphics was done with my own home-made drawing program.
download the Nostalgic Collection ZIP file
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